(506) 324-1249 info@rivervalleyatv.com

Board of Directors Meeting
January 26, 2021
Zoom Meeting


Call To Order: John Lawrence

Quorum Met: Zoom meeting

Minutes of last meeting: Donna Carson

• Donna submitted the November 24, 2021 minutes to the executive for approval, Brian seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business Items:

• Woodstock ATV pilot program – Brian and Vance met with the steering committee to further discuss this project. Nothing to report at this time other than the project is moving forward to obtain final approval process with council.
• On Hold Spring 2022 – Election for Treasurer & Vice President
• On Hold Spring 2022 – Linda will extend an invitation to Ben Cummings who will shoot video footage of our work projects. This will be included with the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce video project promoting community and community events.

Treasurer Report: Linda McHatten
Linda moved and John C seconded a motion to approve the treasurer report on the Savings and Chequing.  Motion carried.

Vendor update – Linda reported that Ryan Doucette is the new owner of Dave’s Sport Center and she will be meeting with him this week.

Membership update – no update at this time.

Revised Web Site Update: Donna Carson
• Expected launch date: Friday, January 27, EOBD. Donna will send notice to Board.







 Committee Report: Donna Carson
• Go forward planning strategy for June 18th rally
o Major sponsors and/or major cause – further discussion required.

o Partnerships: Debec Fire Dept – breakfast and possible porker
(they may need extras outside of their group to help)
Debec Rec Council – registration help & canteen

o Poster Design: Begin working on creative with intent to have approved and printed by end of February.

o Marketing: Social Media: Poster put on our and QuadNB sites
and outreach to QuadNB members to post on their sites; our FB page as well as Debec & Debec Rec council

Other: Posters distributed at all existing vendors and other retail/business outlets in region

o Meeting: Schedule zoom meeting to address strategies for the
following: Prizes; Trail Prep & Day of; Registration;
50/50; Breakfast; BBQ; etc.; COVID Ops Plan.
DATE: Zoom meeting on February 3rd 7:00PM

 Trail Report: Brian McHatten
• 2022 Focus:
o Union Corner New trail – Carpenter’s will bulldoze the designated road across their property by Spring 2022

o Pembroke – McKenna Road major washout – pending government repair June 2022

o Grading – grading of (1) Benton to Canterbury and (2) Lindsay to Centerville – Spring 2022

o Bull Creek Bridge (Cecil Grant) – will wait for Spring 2022 to go back and remove remains of an old beaver dam.

o Signage: signs for new trail should arrive soon; Brian will reach out to get a team to post.

 Correspondence: Linda
• Linda reported that our club received a ‘Thank you” card from the Carleton County Animal Shelter for our financial donation.


 New Business: John Lawrence
• Trail Head – QuadNB has presented a program to help with infrastructure to set up Trail Head locations within each club area. The Trail Head location is to support Quad riders to park their vehicles and leave the site to access the trail system in each region. This location needs to be a secured/safe location, with good lighting, access to washroom facilities, gas, food and most importantly easy access to the trail system. There are limited funds to help build out these locations if required. Brian and Bob are checking out several options within the Woodstock area.

 Next Meeting:, February 23, 2022 – Site TBD

 Meeting Adjourned: Linda moved meeting adjourned.