Board of Director Meeting
May 30, 2023
Y’s Men Club
Call To Order: Dwayne Atherton, President
Dear Club Presidents and Club Members:
As you may know, there are twelve (12) active forest fires in New Brunswick at the moment. QuadNB is asking for your help at this time and we ask that you do not organize any ATV activities for the next two weeks. The forest is very dry at the moment and anything could cause a spark. (Cigarette butts, hot exhaust rubbing against dry grass or brush, etc.) Not only that, but some of the fires are still out of control and spreading fast. And we would not want to put the life of any of our members in danger. The air is filled with smoke in many places which is unhealthy to breathe in, and there is always a chance that the fire spreads to where you are holding your event. If you are planning an ATV Run, an ATV Poker Run, or an ATV Rally, we ask that you postpone it to a later date, until the trails are safer for everyone.
We do not recommend anyone going into the forest, but if some members insist on going to ride their ATVs, we ask that you bring with you some water, a cell phone, a first aid kit, etc. Please take every precaution necessary and avoid the areas where there are active fires. Thank you for your collaboration.
Jacques Poirier, General Manager
Quorum Met: 24 guests; 4 executives
Minutes of last meeting: Donna Carson
Donna read and submitted the April 25, 2023 minutes for approval. Chris Major. Motion carried.
Old Business Items:
Update on August safety course
Club entry of member and contractor
Treasurer Report: Linda McHatten
Linda moved and seconded by Donnie Atherton to approve the treasurer report on the Savings and Chequing. Motion carried.
Vendor update: Approximately 400 trail passes sold. Dwayne will investigate the possibility of adding the Petro gas station in Meductic as a vendor for our club.
Trail Pass Update: Ordered another 100 passes for the federation.
Face Book Update: 943 members, reaching for 1,000 in 2023.
Committee Report: Donna Carson, Secretary – at risk due to NB fires
A final committee meeting was held to finalize rally plans.
Trail Report: Brian McHatten
Brian gave a kudos shout out to our volunteers that help manage our trails. Their contribution is significant and appreciated.
Woodstock to Centerville, Woodstock to Canterbury are all green to go.
The Pembroke to Carr Siding will hopefully turn green once the inspection has been completed; at which time Brian will advise Vance at the federation office to turn it green and we will also notify everyone on our FaceBook page. Until then it remains closed.
In April it was discovered that a culvert between Cosman Road and the Hodgon Road had came up 2 1/2 feet and was impassable. Trail had to be closed. Aggcon was contacted same day he went out that afternoon to fix it. Much appreciated and great partnership.
Last week there was a hole between the Cosman and Hogdon Roads that grew to 6 feet deep within a short period of time and in the middle of the trail. Cal Murray, another contractor we work with was contacted and within a very short period of time his son came out and within ½ hour it was fixed. Again much appreciated.
Brian also encouraged anyone who sees any challenges with the trails to report it to one of the club executive so it can be addressed right away. It’s the club members and volunteers that keep our trails safe.
There is an old culvert on the Hodgon Road that needs to be replaced through the club’s government Gas Tax funding. In the meantime there is a beaver problem and our volunteers is continuing to keep it cleaned out.
Correspondence: Donna Carson
May 2, 2023 – Federation office email sent to remind clubs that with any change to executive or signing officers or bank accounts or signing officers, it is imperative that we advise their office.
May 17, 2023 – Jacques Poirier advised clubs information on this year’s signage project in the amount of $52,279.80. If you chose to participate, the amount you need to invest and the total value of signs you can receive will vary depending on the number of clubs that participate. Our club didn’t feel the need to participate at this time.
New Business: Dwayne Atherton
Dwayne made a motion and seconded by Brian that we continue with our meetings through the summer months. Motion passed.
John C provided and update on the recent regional meeting was held in Woodstock.
– NB will recognize Maine stickers however it is held up in the Augusta with legislation and then it will be full on both ends.
– Our team showed Vance the potential trail from the US to our trails. We need a HUP.
– Trail funding is still available which is a 50/50 split
– A new signage manual is being distributed
– Boundary discussion as to where each club does the trail maintenance
– Bob spoke developing a theme map for our Region. It would an inter-club project ie from trailhead in Perth and ending to Trail Head in Nackawic which would be crossing 3 clubs. Highlight the areas of interest. Could be a possibility.
– NB dirt bike Association based out of Moncton are working with our federation on the introduction of a multi purpose bike. Users buy their trail pass from their association, which is the same as ours. When they buy their pass they are asked which ATV club they want to join. However, they are limited to rail beds and corporate lands, NOT on private land owner property that we have agreements.
Bob Stokes, our Regional Director advised that the bridge span is still on the radar and a work in progress.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 – Y’s Men club – 7:00 pm
Meeting Adjourned: Brian moved meeting adjourned.