(506) 324-1249 info@rivervalleyatv.com

Board of Director Meeting
April 26, 2022
Y’s Men Club


Call To Order: John Lawrence

Quorum Met

Minutes of last meeting: Donna Carson
In absence of secretary, Linda read and submitted for approval the March
minutes. Dwayne Atherton seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business Items:
Special Board of Directors meeting scheduled for April was re-scheduled in May to discuss the following:
annual bi-law review before the next monthly meeting.
move forward with proposed elections for both the Treasurer and Vice-President positions
conducting regular treasurer audits.

Treasurer Report: Linda McHatten
Linda moved and Larry Dryer seconded to approve the treasurer report for both Savings and Chequing accounts. Motion carried.

Vendor Update:
No changes on the vendors
Trail passes are up from this time last year
Facebook membership is 571 and going up everyday
Web site inquiries are coming in which is good to see that traffic as well

Committee Report: Donna Carson
Go forward planning strategy for June rally

April meeting was postponed until Thursday, May 12, 2022, 7:00pm at the Y’s Men’s club.

Trail Report: Brian McHatten – no update
2022 Status Quo Focus:
Union Corner New trail – Carpenter’s will bulldoze the designated road across their property by Spring 2022

Pembroke – McKenna Road major washout – pending government repair June 2022

Grading – grading of (1) Benton to Canterbury and (2) Lindsay to Centerville – Spring 2022

Bull Creek Bridge (Cecil Grant) – will wait for Spring 2022 to go back and remove remains of an old beaver dam.

Centerville trail has been checked.

Sign the new trail work day will be 2nd or 3rd week of May

Shaw Creek project is on going.

Any trail issues needs to be reported to Brian as our club Trail coordinator and ask for pictures of the problem.

Nackawic access to cross the Saint John River: Combined with the Highway Usage Permit issued for Route 105 and the Hawkshaw Bridge, completes the connection between York County West and M & H Mudrunners and provides to us the crossing of the Saint John River. The expected opening date is June 4. A public meeting is scheduled for May 25 @ 7:00 pm for an information and education session and all required signage in place by then as well. The new route crossing the Saint John River will now become a QuadNB Provincial Trail.
Next focus is now considering options for connecting York North – Nashwaak Valley or Skedaddle Ridge -Nashwaak Valley.
Trailheads: Bob Stokes also reported that there are 7 projects in total
approved for NB. Work has started at Nackawic; Perth has been approved to begin and the one at Kings Landing will be granted a HUP to Acorn Restaurant

New Business: John Lawrence
AGM Report – April 23rd Brian and John attended the QuadNB AGM, as the
River Valley ATV Club delegates. There were a total of 57 clubs represented, as well at 2 from Trekkit, 2 from PEI and 1 from the Ontario federations.

Bob Stokes gave a report for the region 7 clubs (ours included).

QuadNB has been looking for ambassadors outside of the clubs, someone that can carry the flag and represent QuadNB and the ATV sport. They announced at the meeting that Trekkit organization will be our sport ambassadors going forward.

The ATV safety courses increased in 2021, and hoping to again in 2022.

QuadNB will be starting to do some trail audits this year, to make sure they are safe, signed, and following the rules on the provincial trails.

In the last 18 months, ATV clubs in NB have been given over $4.3 million to maintain/build trails. Some of this money has gone into River Valley projects.

QuadNB and DNR have been GPSing the trails to get updated maps/apps; so far 37 clubs have been done (us included) totaling 7,000km.

We have new trail sign guidelines from QuadNB. This does not mean we have to replace the signs currently in place but will follow the new guidelines going forward when we do replace signs. Each club was given 1 signage book and ours is with Brian. As trail coordinator Brain is the one that will be ordering the signs going forward.

QuadNB app has been available two years. This GPS shows
the provincial trails and so far 6,350 people have the free version; 7,119 people have the pro-version which is $4.99 per year.

QUADNB had the following elections for:
President: Eymard Savoie
Vice Pres: Ray Croft
Treasurer: Adam Cole
Secretary: Bertin Cote

Trail Pass Fees – There has not been an increase for trail passes in 8 years, but the cost to maintain the trails keeps going up.
– 2022 trail pass for 3 season is currently $52.90
– 2023 to 2027 a 3-season pass will be $65.00
* QuadNB has been working hard to have perks for our members to help with the $65.00 fee.

Woodstock Pilot Program Update: waiting for the third reading.

Next Meeting:, Tuesday, May 31, 2022 – Y’s Men club – 7:00 pm

Meeting Adjourned: Brian moved meeting adjourned.