(506) 324-1249 info@rivervalleyatv.com

Board of Director Meeting
August 30, 2022
Y’s Men Club


Call To Order: John Lawrence

Quorum Met

Minutes of last meeting: Donna Carson
On behalf of Donna, Linda McHatten read and submitted the July 26, 2022 minutes for approval. Jeremy seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business Items: Woodstock pilot: From August 10 through to October 30,2022 information pamphlets were sent out to Woodstock residents to advise of the pilot program. Linda will post a copy on our club Facebook page.

Joint ATV Training: Put on hold until next Spring.

Maliseet Fuels 2 Parking: John L received verbal approval to allow ATV parking; it now needs to be put in writing. Donna and John L will work on drafting the letter. Once signed, coordination will begin to prepare the site with signage etc. UPDATE: never got to this so if John hasn’t got anything new we will have to get letter for September.

Membership Communication: Discussion was had to set up a mass email distribution for River Valley membership to address those who don’t use social media. Donna will work with the federation in creating this list and report back next month. UPDATE: Work in progress. Access to all Club 50 members with email addresses has been completed. Next step is to build an email distribution list to be used for sending club updates.

Treasurer Report: Linda McHatten
Linda moved and John C seconded to approve the treasurer report on the Savings and Chequing. Motion carried.

Vendor Update: All good

Trail Passes: 554

Face Book Membership: 710

Web Update: 846 visits to website for Month of August 2022.

Committee Report: Donna Carson
No reports

Trail Report: Brian McHatten
FYI: Shaw Creek – Federation office reported the start up meeting with the successful bidder was held on the Shaw Creek Culvert project.  The culvert is being removed, the riverbed restored to its natural state and a bridge is being installed for safe crossing of the watercourse.
Construction on-going with expected completion November 30th. 2022.

Union Corner New trail – Contractor has been contacted to bulldoze one section however it is too wet to work; will be scheduled once dried up; tentative late June. Carpenters will bulldoze the designated road across their property to connect the new trail. COMPLETED

Grading – grading of (1) Benton to Canterbury has been completed. Lindsay to Centerville has not been done. There is some other work that needs done n this trail and Sheldon will look at and get back to Brian in terms of timing.

New Culverts: Have not been installed yet. The beavers have plugged the Hodgen Road trail and have been cleaned out 5 times in past 2 weeks. Volunteer Brian Grant has cleaned up debris on trail and will go back this week and do it again. Motion made by Brian and seconded by Donnie A to present Brian Grant a $100 gift card from Petro Can. Motion carried. Grates on the culverts have been pulled several times and cleaned by Brian and Don B.

Bob Stokes read a letter from Crown Lands regarding the moving forward with the bridge span.

New Business: John Lawrence
Debec Community Days Parade – September 10, 2022. Parade line up at 10:00am at the old Debec School location; parade start 11:00am. Theme is 50th Anniversary of Debec Rec Council (golden anniversary). John L will be there with banners and signs for members available to take part in parade.

November Elections – A nominating Committee was established by John L, John C and Larry Dyer.

John L informed members he will not be re-offering for President and Donna C will not be re-offering for secretary. Still vacant is position for Vice President.

Region 7 meeting is to be held at the Masonic hall, Tuesday, September 27, 2022. John C and Brian will attend.

Next Meeting:, Due to the Region 7 meeting being held at the same time as our regularly scheduled night, our next meeting in September will be moved to Wednesday, September 28, 2022 – Y’s Men club – 7:00 pm

Meeting Adjourned: Brian moved meeting adjourned.