(506) 324-1249 info@rivervalleyatv.com

Board of Director Meeting
August 27, 2024
Y’s Men Club

Call To Order: Dwayne Atherton, Vice President

Quorum Met: 3 Executive; 3 Directors plus 14 members

Minutes of last meeting: Donna Carson
Donna read and submitted the July 30, 2024 minutes for approval; Jeremy seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business Items:
Update HUP application (Meduxnekeag Train Bridge) – HUP was approved and three members marked the detour until November 30th.

Update TIF application – August 11 was notified that we were approved for our TIF which will be put into

Update ATV Training Course, August 10th which changed to August 11. Larry filled in for Dwayne and there were 6 that took the course.

Update Bylaw review – Donna read through the final recommendations for changes within our by-law. Further work needs to be put on Article 5 which details the Terms of Office for Executive and Directors. The Board will meet further on this section with the intent a new revision will be presented at our next monthly meeting. In the meantime Kendall made a motion to approve all other sections as read, except for Article 5, to be approved, seconded by Linda. Motion carried.

Treasurer Report: Wade McLellan, Treasurer
Financial Report – Wade submitted and Larry seconded for approval of both the Chequing and Savings report. Motion Carried.

Trail Permit Sale Report: Linda McHatten, Vendor Co-ordinator
Linda gave the monthly status report on the YTD trail permit sales from SNB and our local vendor
locations. Past month, 25 passes and 1 replacement were picked up so with last month’s total
(413) we have a YTD of 533 passes. New passes will be available October 1 and at the same prize.

Facebook Report: Linda McHatten, FaceBook Co-ordinator
Linda reported that we continue to grow with currently 1333 followers. Linda submitted her report, seconded by John. Motion carried.

Trail Report: Brian McHatten, Trail Coordinator
Brian thanked Vance for escalating the approval for our HUB for the alternate route while Meduxnekeag Bridge is being repaired; also Brian reported that Skedaddle Ridge club #51 loaned us their the signs for rerouting the trail which is a good example of clubs working together; lastly Brian extended thanks to Kendal McLean, Dwayne and Donnie Atherton for helping Brian sign the alternate route.

Trail 5000 – After speaking with Justin Wort from Limestone Construction and reviewing the trail, Justin will do the work we requested within our budget.

Would like to thank Dwayne and Donnie Atherton, Don Calhoun, Scott Edwards, Wayne Flowers and Gene Gray for helping cut the overhangs in preparation for work to be done by Justin. As of this week, Justin has assured we are scheduled for gravel and grading.

We also received the TIFF for work to be done between East McBride Road and Lindsay. Brian has been in contact with Justin from Limestone Construction. We will evaluate the trail and more information to come, which should be in September/October.

Recently replaced two stop signs and posts at East McBride Road. This year replaced 6 in Canterbury, one on Dugan Road plus these two lasted locations. Less than last year but still in the same problematic locations.

Route 502: The bridge going out to Debec needs to be replaced, it would appear something very heavy went over it and ruined the floor supports. This is going to be a project, which both our club and the snowmobile club will be in partnership. Brian made the motion, seconded by Wayne that we will cost share the project. Once site is ready for work, Brian will publish the work on social media and a combined snowmobile and our club work crew.

Linda inquired on the possibility of creating a paper map of our trail. Our map certainly needs to be updated. Kendall will lead along with Brian and John. This will be a winter project.

Committee Report: Donna Carson, Secretary
The club decided to wait until next year for a membership appreciation.

Correspondence: Dwayne Atherton
Regional Meeting

New Business: Dwayne Atherton
November is an election month for the President and Secretary positions. If anyone is interested please reach out to Larry Dyer, head of the nominatee committee or a club member.

Military has a transition program for military coming back into society and the federation is having a new member in the Fredericton office to help with administration. She will be there until end of year.

Brighton Windmill Farm meeting was very well attended. They will postpone the ATV and snowmobile joint meeting until later in the Fall.

Dwayne mentioned that the Fall Rally is October 19th. Rally will be starting point will be at the Maritime Lumber parking lot next to Murray’s. The rally will be called the Corey Cruize and will also provide everything for the bbq food. We will take care of marking trail, reaching out for help with bbq and registration. Decision is to have no registration fee but have a donation for bbq. Dwayne Craig’s Machine shop to see if they would donate a fire pit that we could sell as raffle tickets. Dwayne and Donnie designated a proposed trail that would be approximately 92 kms. BBQ will be at the Benton park and we will also have a 50/50. Linda made a motion, John seconded that our club cover the cost of the fire pit raffle tickets. Motion carried. Dwayne made a motion and seconded by Brian to support the Animal Shelter. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: September 24, 2024 – Y’s Men Club; 7:00pm

Adjourn Meeting: Donnie Atherton