(506) 324-1249 info@rivervalleyatv.com

February 26,2020
Woodstock Y’s Men Club

Call to Order:     Dean Cummings, President called the meeting to order.  Agenda approved by John C. Motion carried

Quorum:  Board member quorum was reached.

Minutes:  Donna read the November 27, 2019 minutes.  Donna moved and seconded by Brian to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.

Old Business:

  • Land Owner”s Agreements:  John provided the following updates:  Crabbe requested to move from having a local to a provincial agreements.  Federation representatives attended the meeting with John and Brian so the agreement has been signed.
  • John is still working with four other land owner agreements. (1) AV Nackawic and a meeting scheduled for next Tuesday; (2) Dale Griffin advised he will meet with John on Sunday morning to discuss access to his property; he is not prepared to sign, however, prepared to give verbal approval.  Donna will also join meeting as a witness to verbal consent and John will have document notarized; (3). Others are prepared to sign while still running down a landowner from Ontario.  Project still a work in progress; (4) John is sourcing additional PDI’s which can offer alternative trail options instead of running the road and in turn may increase our estimate trail increase of 40kms.
  • John has also met with carpenters and they are good with us getting a road through their property to avoid needing access to Flemming’s.  Build out most likely this Spring.
  • Scott Siding:  Dean reported EMO has granted funding to the snowmobile club to put in a bridge for the winter, and is also funding to permanently fix the Scott Siding washout.  We will apply for another HUP this Spring.
  • Spring Launch:  Good level of engagement from local vendors and plans going well.

Finance:   Linda presented the treasurer’s report.  Linda moved and Harrison seconded to accept finance report as read. Motion carried.
Linda suggested we move our inventory of 18 hats (3 pink and 15 orange) and 18-19 t-shirts.  Linda moved, seconded by Brian that  we donate 2 hats and a couple of t-shirts to the Debec Rec Counsil fundraiser event.  Motion carried.​

Committee Reports:  No reports.

​Trail Report:  Brian had no report at his juncture but advised he would be applying for the new 2020 HUP.

​New Business:  

  • Bob Stokes Update:  Bob attended our February meeting and provided regional club updates.
  • TREKKIT Event:  The local movie theatre provided the theatre at no charge in order to show the provincial ATV movie.  It was a great turnout and money to go to build access into town.
  • MUD and SHINE Event- TC Trailer sponsor an event where clubs (jeeps or ATV’s) have their own run and on return, to have their units cleaned at no cost along with complimentary BBQ and door prizes.  Potentially May 30th.
  • NBATV Federation Annual Meeting:  Next meeting is April 4th and 5th, being held in Fredericton.  Our club will be represented by Brian and Dean.

​Correspondence:  None at this time.

​Next meeting:  March 25, 2020; Y’s Men’s Club’ 7:00 pm.

Meeting Adjourned:  Brian moved meeting adjourned.