Board of Directors Meeting
October 27, 2021
Zoom Meeting
Call To Order: John Lawrence
Minutes of last meeting: Donna Carson
Donna submitted the September 29, 2021 minutes to the executive for approval and Linda seconded they be accepted as written.
Motion carried.
Old Business Items:
- Bridge Span replacement rebate – Linda reported that the $5,000 down payment made to the Town for the bridge expansion study, has been received and the receipt has been returned to the Town.
- Bob reported that Maine is looking favourable at the proposed Trail Agreement between NB and Maine.
- John L will be delivering a letter from our club requesting formal feedback from the Woodstock Town Council regarding the proposed pilot program of granting QUAD members access to designated town streets.
Treasurer Report: Linda McHatten
- Linda moved and Donna seconded to approve the treasurer report on the Savings and Chequing. Motion carried.
- John C. submitted mileage expense. Brian made a motion, seconded by Debby to pay this expense. Motion carried.
Web Site Update: Donna Carson & Debby Thomas
Donna conducted further investigation into the two options for a new web design partner. Donna will move forward with implementation.
Committee Report:
- 2022 Rally: June 18th, 2022; Debec Community Park; Debec Fire Department/Search & Rescue; Debec Recreation Council
Donna made a motion to postpone this meeting until the New Year as it is not essential at this time. Seconded by Linda.
Motion carried.
Trail Report: Brian McHatten
2021 Focus:
- Union Corner New trail – waiting for Carpenter’s to bull doze the designated road across their property; new culvert installed and roughly 100 feet of the trail needs to be cleared…needs to be scheduled.
- Bull Creek Bridge (Cecil Grant) – need another attempt to remove remains of the beaver dam. Waiting on Leigh Williams.
- Creek Road Bridge – project to widen bridge was completed Saturday, 10.23. 2021. Kudos to volunteer and weather co-operated and finished by noon. John C will have 2 signs made to be posted at both ends of the bridge that state ‘ATV’S ONLY’. John C will check in with landowner to get permission to mow down the alders approaching bridge. Once approval is granted, John C will circle back with Sheldon.
- Pembroke Trail: Randy Brown is hoping to do work on the Pembroke trail on November 8th
- Washouts: Oak Mountain and below Benton. Below Benton was fixed and local volunteer will be fixing Oak Mountain.
Forecast 2022:
- Pembroke – McKenna Road major washout – pending government repair June 2022
- Grading – grading of (1) Benton to Canterbury and (2) Lindsay to Centerville – Spring 2022
- TIF – New trail infrastructure plans for 2022. Our club have nothing to submit at this juncture.
Correspondence: Donna Carson
- PRE THANKSGIVING WEEKEND: Email from federation heightening the awareness of COVID situation with recommendation to postpone any planned rallies/run due to club risk
- POST THANKSGIVING WEEKEND: Updated email from federation pertaining to current COVID-19 situation in and outside circuit breaker zones
- Email from federation regarding the November 30, 2021 deadline for submissions to Trail Infrastructure Fund (TIF) for 2022 projects.
New Business:
- November Election of Officers
Bi-Law: Nomination and Election of Officers: The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for terms of two years each at the annual November monthly meeting unless approved by the Board of Directors to extend, with a maximum of 5 years for the President’s position. Elections will be held in even numbered years for the President and Secretary and odd numbered years for the Vice-President and the Treasurer.
Vice President:
- shall be an advisor, and assist the President in his/her duties;
- shall be an ex-officio member of all committees;
- in the absence of the President, or in cases where the President
cannot act, the Vice-President shall assume the powers and obligations of the President; - shall support the President to ensure, within the realm of conducting club business that meetings and events are inclusive and support diversity
- intent is to step into President position once available, however given circumstances this may not be the case
- shall be responsible for verifying that any club assets are recorded and accounted for
- shall be responsible for ensuring that all club’s funds are deposited to a chartered bank or credit union or otherwise secured and accounted for;
- shall ensure that the club’s financial situation and financial transactions are readily available to the President and Executive;
- shall be responsible to collate all documentation and ensure all reports required by the NBATV and/or annual government offices are submitted accordingly;
- shall advise the President in the preparation of the club’s annual budget;
- shall prepare a treasurer’s report for regular club meetings which includes a copy of the monthly bank statement; as well as summary year-end report;
- shall coordinate with vendors the sale of club trail passes and manage inventory and distribution of club annual trail pass inventory and federation financial submissions;
- shall support the President to ensure. within the realm of conducting club business that meetings and events are inclusive and support diversity.
Next Meeting: November 24, 2021 – Place TBD; 7:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: Linda moved meeting adjourned.